Buttercream Frosting - The Kitchen Magpie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/recipes/dessert-recipes/frostings-icings-puddings/buttercream-frosting/ Trusted Recipes from my Prairie Kitchen! Sat, 23 Nov 2024 16:58:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2019/04/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Buttercream Frosting - The Kitchen Magpie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/recipes/dessert-recipes/frostings-icings-puddings/buttercream-frosting/ 32 32 Coffee Buttercream Frosting https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/coffee-buttercream-frosting/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/coffee-buttercream-frosting/#comments Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=97988 Coffee buttercream icing

Every good cake needs an equally good buttercream frosting to become delicious. Rich, creamy, and super coffee-forward, this recipe will quickly become your new favorite cake frosting. Why not make this Classic Chiffon Cake and pair it with your coffee buttercream frosting to glaze? Or for something a little more indulgent try this Chocolate Pound…

Coffee Buttercream Frosting

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/coffee-buttercream-frosting/feed/ 9
The BEST Cream Cheese Icing https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/cream-cheese-buttercream-icing/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/cream-cheese-buttercream-icing/#comments Fri, 24 Jan 2020 12:00:34 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=5626 close up Cream Cheese Icing swirled on a cupcake with blue cupcake liner

It doesn’t get better than an amazing cream cheese icing! It’s the best of all frosting worlds, sweet, tangy and cream-cheese delicious! My recipe uses my favourite secret ingredient, salted butter to give this cream cheese frosting a deeper depth of flavour. It just doesn’t get better than butter, cream cheese and powdered sugar!  Use…

The BEST Cream Cheese Icing

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/cream-cheese-buttercream-icing/feed/ 18
The Best Buttercream Frosting Recipe. Ever. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/buttercream-icing/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/buttercream-icing/#comments Thu, 16 Jan 2020 17:00:14 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=2972 close up buttercream frosting on a chocolate cupcake

This is THE original salted buttercream frosting recipe that went viral and has been shared by hundreds of thousands of people – and this recipe has been read tens of millions of times!  Millions Have Enjoyed this Recipe This was my very first viral recipe here on The Kitchen Magpie! If you like this, you…

The Best Buttercream Frosting Recipe. Ever.

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/buttercream-icing/feed/ 945
Lemon Buttercream Frosting https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/lemon-buttercream-frosting/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/lemon-buttercream-frosting/#comments Sun, 25 Nov 2018 14:30:54 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=3960 Lemon Buttercream Frosting and pink icing flower on top of lemon cupcake

Tart and sweet, this lemon buttercream frosting is dessert heaven! Because lemons make life better. You’d better hold on to your spoons because this frosting is honestly irresistible! If you are looking for a lemon glaze, try my Lemon Glaze recipe—it’s one of the most popular on this website! How to Make Lemon Buttercream Frosting Ingredients…

Lemon Buttercream Frosting

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/lemon-buttercream-frosting/feed/ 88
Candy Bar Buttercream Frosting https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/candy-bar-buttercream-frosting/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/candy-bar-buttercream-frosting/#comments Sat, 24 Nov 2018 14:00:20 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=23114 Buttercream Icing with chopped up candy bars on top of chocolate cupcake in a plate

Just when I thought my chocolate buttercream icing couldn't get better..it totally did.

Candy Bar Buttercream Frosting

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/candy-bar-buttercream-frosting/feed/ 8
How To Make Peppermint Buttercream Frosting https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-peppermint-buttercream-icing/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-peppermint-buttercream-icing/#comments Tue, 20 Nov 2018 13:00:21 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=22888 a spoon of Peppermint Buttercream Frosting in a white plate

How To Make Peppermint Buttercream Icing, salted butter and heavy cream are my secret ingredients! Trust me, this is the best mint buttercream icing ever!

How To Make Peppermint Buttercream Frosting

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-peppermint-buttercream-icing/feed/ 14
The Best Buttercream Icing Recipe: FAQ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/the-best-buttercream-icing-recipe-faq/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/the-best-buttercream-icing-recipe-faq/#comments Mon, 05 Nov 2018 01:44:37 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=19196

My Best Buttercream Icing Recipe Ever is the single most popular recipe on my site, without a doubt. With almost 300 comments and over 68,000 people who pinned it on Pinterest (Seriously? What do you people DO all day? Just kidding. Kind of.) there have been a lot of people who have weighed in on…

The Best Buttercream Icing Recipe: FAQ

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/the-best-buttercream-icing-recipe-faq/feed/ 98
Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Recipe https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/chocolate-buttercream-icing-recipe/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/chocolate-buttercream-icing-recipe/#comments Tue, 23 Oct 2018 16:02:07 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=15914 chocolate muffin topped with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting

This truly is the best chocolate buttercream frosting recipe ever. You’ll have to read on to see my secrets! I can’t believe that it’s taken me this long to come up with a chocolate buttercream icing that I liked. I have to be honest and admit that I only have tried on a couple of occasions…

Chocolate Buttercream Frosting Recipe

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/chocolate-buttercream-icing-recipe/feed/ 127
Vegan Buttercream Icing Recipe https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/vegan-buttercream-icing-recipe/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/vegan-buttercream-icing-recipe/#comments Sun, 24 Jun 2018 13:58:33 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=19415 Gluten Free Chocolate Cake topped with violet vegan icing on white background

Back in January, I whipped up a gorgeous, delicious dairy free, gluten-free chocolate cake for my daughter’s birthday. One of her little friends has several food allergies, so I had gamely volunteered to take on the task of creating my first gluten/dairy free cake. It was spectacular and I surprised myself. While doing that however, I…

Vegan Buttercream Icing Recipe

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/vegan-buttercream-icing-recipe/feed/ 13
Oreo Cookies n’ Cream Buttercream Frosting https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/oreo-cookies-n-cream-buttercream-frosting/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/oreo-cookies-n-cream-buttercream-frosting/#comments Sun, 20 May 2018 16:20:15 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=25801 Stack of Oreo cookies with Cookies n' Cream Buttercream Frosting on Top

Oreo Cookies n' Cream Buttercream Icing. To eat off the spoon or not to eat off the spoon, that is the question....

Oreo Cookies n’ Cream Buttercream Frosting

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/oreo-cookies-n-cream-buttercream-frosting/feed/ 18