RV & Camping - The Kitchen Magpie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/recipes/rv-camping/ Trusted Recipes from my Prairie Kitchen! Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:09:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/wp-content/uploads/images/2019/04/cropped-favicon-32x32.png RV & Camping - The Kitchen Magpie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/recipes/rv-camping/ 32 32 Campfire Chili Cheese Fries https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-chili-cheese-fries-tin-foil-dinner/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-chili-cheese-fries-tin-foil-dinner/#comments Sat, 02 Mar 2024 20:45:23 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=26437

Campfire Chili Cheese Fries, baby! Ohhh yeah!

Campfire Chili Cheese Fries

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-chili-cheese-fries-tin-foil-dinner/feed/ 42
Two Ingredient Giant Turtles Cinnamon Bun https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/two-ingredient-giant-turtles-cinnamon-bun/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/two-ingredient-giant-turtles-cinnamon-bun/#comments Sat, 08 Sep 2018 13:00:56 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=27254 close up of Two Ingredient Giant Turtles Cinnamon Bun in a skillet on wood background

Mmmm mmmmm mmmm... I love Turtles!

Two Ingredient Giant Turtles Cinnamon Bun

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/two-ingredient-giant-turtles-cinnamon-bun/feed/ 8
Giant Bacon Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/giant-bacon-chocolate-chip-skillet-cookie/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/giant-bacon-chocolate-chip-skillet-cookie/#respond Thu, 06 Sep 2018 19:56:35 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=22089 close up giant Chocolate Chip Cookie with bacon in a large Skillet

I have a confession to make. I broke one of my cardinal baking rules this past weekend and made a dessert with bacon. I’m pretty vocal in my opinion that I’m kinda over the bacon-on-everything craze, especially desserts. I think I am even quoted in an interview saying that bacon needs to get off my desserts…

Giant Bacon Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/giant-bacon-chocolate-chip-skillet-cookie/feed/ 0
Three Ingredient Cheater Chocolate Eclairs https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/three-ingredient-cheater-chocolate-eclairs/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/three-ingredient-cheater-chocolate-eclairs/#comments Wed, 29 Aug 2018 12:00:43 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=27187 baked eclairs with chocolate pudding in the center and topped with chocolate icing

These Three Ingredient Cheater Chocolate Eclairs make me giggle. Holy fun junk food Batman!

Three Ingredient Cheater Chocolate Eclairs

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/three-ingredient-cheater-chocolate-eclairs/feed/ 5
Campfire Grilled Loaded Baked Potatoes https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-grilled-loaded-baked-potatoes/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-grilled-loaded-baked-potatoes/#comments Tue, 28 Aug 2018 13:00:29 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=26447 close up Campfire Grilled Loaded Baked Potatoes in a tinfoil topped with onion, cheese, sour cream, salt and pepper

Campfire Grilled Loaded Potatoes, my favorite tin foil dinner of the summer!

Campfire Grilled Loaded Baked Potatoes

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-grilled-loaded-baked-potatoes/feed/ 2
Camping Recipe- Cheater Tex-Mex Chips N’ Dip https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-cheater-tex-mex-chips-n-dip/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-cheater-tex-mex-chips-n-dip/#comments Thu, 23 Aug 2018 00:30:55 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=21940 close up Cheater Tex-Mex Chips N' Dip in a white plate

I’d like to thank my sister for this fabulous camping recipe because I truly cannot remember the last time we ate appetizers while camping. These babies were whipped up after a long afternoon of fishing and hanging around the beach in the gorgeous sunshine that we had at the lake last weekend. We soon realized…

Camping Recipe- Cheater Tex-Mex Chips N’ Dip

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-cheater-tex-mex-chips-n-dip/feed/ 6
Camping Recipe: Skillet Baked French Toast https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-skillet-baked-french-toast/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-skillet-baked-french-toast/#comments Thu, 09 Aug 2018 15:44:56 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=21845 close up of Baked French Toast with maple syrup and fresh blueberries in small dessert plate

It’s time for another camping recipe! My goodness, I am starting to feel that I am running out of time getting all these camping recipes written up for all of you! I’m going to be writing them all up in the next week or two, since we are sadly running out of summer. I’m not…

Camping Recipe: Skillet Baked French Toast

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-skillet-baked-french-toast/feed/ 1
Campfire Cherry Hand Pies https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-cherry-hand-pies/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-cherry-hand-pies/#comments Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:00:37 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=42784 close up of Campfire Cherry Hand Pies in a blue plate with one piece broken into two showing the inside

Campfire Cherry Hand Pies….do I have you intrigued? These little delights were made while camping, they are THAT easy!  You can make hand pies with refrigerated dough or try the Tenderflake Pie Crust recipe that I have here on the website.  You also don’t need a deep fryer – just a tried and true heavy…

Campfire Cherry Hand Pies

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/campfire-cherry-hand-pies/feed/ 11
Camping Recipe: Simple Turkey, Swiss & Guacamole Toasted Sandwich https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-simple-turkey-swiss-guacamole-toasted-sandwich/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-simple-turkey-swiss-guacamole-toasted-sandwich/#comments Tue, 07 Aug 2018 03:03:53 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=21812 toasted buns with turkey at the bottom, top with Swiss cheese, guacamole and mastard

Camping recipes need to be simple, that’s all there is to it. Even as a food blogger, the amount of time that I actually want to spend preparing food when we are camping is minimal and only when I am preparing recipes for you, my reader, do I really enjoy it. Hey, even a food…

Camping Recipe: Simple Turkey, Swiss & Guacamole Toasted Sandwich

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/camping-recipe-simple-turkey-swiss-guacamole-toasted-sandwich/feed/ 2
How to Make Campfire Pizza https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-campfire-pizza/ https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-campfire-pizza/#comments Thu, 02 Aug 2018 12:00:04 +0000 https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/?p=42807 close up slice of cheesy Campfire Pizza from a flat pan

How to Make Campfire Pizza, AKA how I keep my sanity while camping with children who are picky eaters! I’m pretty sure that my kids can now get their own apartments, because they now know How to Make Campfire Pizza! Freedom, here I come! Ok, while that’s not actually true, I really needed to share…

How to Make Campfire Pizza

https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/how-to-make-campfire-pizza/feed/ 1