Comments on: Bisquick™ Waffles Trusted Recipes from my Prairie Kitchen! Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:12:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karlynn Johnston Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:12:38 +0000 In reply to Beverly Savage.

I never said it was different – a lot of people don’t store in the box and store in closed containers to keep it fresh. The box has the instructions, sooooo they need it written up somewhere like this website!

By: Beverly Savage Sun, 10 Sep 2023 19:05:43 +0000 How is this recipe different from the recipe on the Bisquick box? It isn’t!! I whip my egg white separate until frothy and mix it In thoroughly as my last ingredient. Waffles are very light on the inside and crispy on the outside!!2 stars

By: Jillian Fri, 16 Jul 2021 01:24:44 +0000 Made this for my SUPER PICKY 6 year old, and she approves. Coming from her, that means a lot. HaHaHaHa. These were delicious Karlynn, thanks!!5 stars

By: Natalie Lynch Wed, 23 Jun 2021 22:09:14 +0000 Question for you – have you ever tried freezing the batter and then thawing it for use? The recipe makes too much for my wee family and I’m looking for a plan. I’ve tried making all the waffles and freezing them but I don’t enjoy the reheated waffles. Suggestions appreciated. Thanks!

By: Gail Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:43:25 +0000 My husband makes waffles using Bisquick often. These are the ingredients he uses, they come out like Belgium waffles light and fluffy.
2 cups heart healthy Bisquick
1 egg
1/2 cup of oil
1 1/3 cup club soda
Mix together, pour in waffle iron, bake until done, they can be frozen also.
I think the club soda is what makes them so light, your recipe sounds good too.
