Tried, Tested, and Trusted Recipes Sinced 2009!
The Kitchen Magpie is among some of the longest-running and most trusted food websites online.
In this crazy online world with so many websites/sources you can’t trust, I want you to know right off the bat that my family and I cook and eat what you see on this website. I believe that your time, money, and ingredients are valuable.
We do NOT use AI for photography or recipes. All of the recipes on this website have been written, cooked, tested, and eaten by myself or my family members!Welcome to The Kitchen Magpie!
Welcome to The Kitchen Magpie! My name is Karlynn, AKA The Kitchen Magpie and I live with my two kids, two cats, one dog, and one husband in the Canadian prairies. My nickname has been Magpie since I was a little girl, and for good reason. I collect recipes, shiny kitchen toys, pretty retro kitchenware and restaurant experiences like a magpie.

I’m a Three Time Bestselling Cookbook Author With Penguin Random House
Writing my first bestselling cookbook was easier than I should admit. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve done creatively. I did all the photography myself and all of the recipes, of course. My cookbook was not only an amazing thing to write, but it also turned out to be a bestseller.
My second cookbook The Prairie Table was also a hit and a bestselling cookbook.
And last but not least, my third bestselling cookbook, A Very Prairie Christmas Bakebook was released Christmas 2023!
My QVC Cookbook Appearance!
I was incredibly lucky enough to be invited to feature my cookbook on QVC, THE largest shopping network in North America and meet the amazing David Venable from In The Kitchen With David! For any food blogger turned cookbook author, an invitation to appear on QVC with your cookbook is one of the absolute pinnacles of what you can hope for, as they chose only the best of the best, so it’s an honor and privilege that you get to carry with you the rest of your career. You can watch my segment below.
My Facebook Live Segment With David Venable from QVC
David is truly one of the most professional, kindest hosts that I have ever worked with, a true gentleman – and boy is he funny! We even did a Facebook live together after the show, which was the icing on the cake and not usually a part of the QVC experience, so I was truly blessed to be asked to do this. He is so beloved by his fans and that carried over into a live segment that had 1700 comments full of kind, amazing fans who watched us cook and chat together! This was truly one of the highlights of my food blogging career and I would join him in the kitchen again in a heartbeat!
Mr Kitchen Magpie
I also have a husband of 23 (and counting) years who is known as Mr Kitchen Magpie. Mr Kitchen Magpie does the cocktails on here and for that, we should all love him forever.
Enjoy all of the recipes that I have here, maybe read some of my Disney posts and most of all, welcome and thanks for visiting!