one15 ounce canwhite kidney beansrinsed and drained
one28 ounce candiced tomatoes
5cardamom pods
Heat the olive oil in a large lidded soup pot on medium heat Add the onions and saute until tender. Add in the garlic, ginger, and ALL the spices, except the cardamom pods. Saute until the garlic and ginger are fragrant.
Stir in the vegetable stock, scraping the bottom of the pan to deglaze any browned bits from the bottom.
Stir in the rest of the ingredients - the lentils, chickpeas, beans, tomatoes, and cardamom pods.
Stir together and bring to a low simmer. Place the lid on the pot and let simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the lentils are soft.
Remove the cardamom pods, then remove 1/3 of the soup to puree. Return the puree to the pot, stir to incorporate the puree, and serve.